Three Podcasts Friday - Three Branded Podcasts You Should Be Paying Attention To (11/22)


Sometimes it's ok to have your head in the clouds. Or cloud. If you aren't technical, you don't have to be. But if you are, these shows have gone deeper to appeal to their respective audiences. All three stick to the basics and follow the traditional interview-style podcast, but again, perspectives and approach of content are all different. 

Microsoft - Azure for Industry: Podcast  - Microsoft has many podcast productions to highlight their many divisions and markets. The Azure for Industry podcast focuses on how the Azure team looks at industry news, investments, and updates and the latest relevant technologies. As can be expected, there is a lot of discussions on data and what data means to the enterprise.

BMC - Run & Reinvent -  BMC Software looks at how their customers prepared and discuss the paths and challenges in planning and executing business strategy through digital transformation. Highlights from different key players offer multiple view points on what it means to leverag...

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Three Podcasts Friday - Three Branded Podcasts You Should Be Paying Attention To (11/15)


Some of the best ways to learn is from the proverbial, "horses mouth." Of course, we're not calling anyone names! But if you have the opportunity to hear stories, words of wisdom, or simply avoid common mistakes in business, wouldn't you take advantage of it? This week, we're highlighting CEOs who are taking the time to share their thoughts in their podcasts. 

LinkedIn - Masters of Scale - Reid Hoffman, Co-Founder of LinkedIn and Greylock, sits with high profile CEO's who've grown their business from conception into the multi-million brands we recognize today. Their mission to highlight an equitable amount of female leaders to males is refreshing and noble commitment to diversity in leadership and business.

Mackay CEO Forums - The CEO Edge - Dr. Nancy MacKay, CEO and Founder of MacKay CEO Forums hosts a podcast focused on content appealing to CEOs and the unique challenges in steering an organization to success. Dr. MacKay emphasises the concept of "Time Mastery" tinspire leadership ...

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Three Podcasts Friday - Three Branded Podcasts You Should Be Paying Attention To (11/08)


As we head into the Fall, with temperatures dropping (north of the equator) and the holidays are fast approaching, what better way to get inspired to exercise, than to hear from the sport apparel industry? Get up and at 'em with the podcasts from Puma, Nike and New Balance while you prepare for the onslaught of all day eating and comfort foods!

Puma - Who We Be - TALKS - Puma knows what appeals to their loyal fan base. Keeping a finger on the pulse, DJ Semtex hosts series of interviews with scene makers, including artists, musicians and those closely aligned with the popular street culture, particularly in the UK. Spotify and Puma partnered to leverage analytics to target podcast recommendations with the popular artists, thus signaling further integration of podcasts with the music in Spotify.  

Nike - Trained - For those very dedicated to training, this is the podcast to get insights on the latest approach to training. As in their description, "Nike has learned greatness isn't born,...

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Three Podcasts Friday - Three Branded Podcasts You Should Be Paying Attention To (11/1)


In the pursuit for the next big thing in business, venture capitalists are at the forefront in investing, providing guidance and monetizing the future society today, most often through technology. We've found some interesting angles and takes on how venture capitalists are leveraging podcasts for their business minded audience.

GGV Capital - The Next Billion - Releasing Season 2, The Next Billion is an English-language podcast about tech and entrepreneurship in the fastest-growing markets in the world, hosted by GGV Capital. On this show, hosts Hans Tung and Rita Yang interview local champions and global giants who are reshaping the lives of the next billion internet users. This is a great podcast to hear international perspectives.

Village Global - Venture Stories - Village Global is an unusual early stage venture capital network of entrepreneurs. Erik Torenburg, Village Global partner and Co-Founder, hosts the podcast and highlights innovative entrepreneurs, investors and tech indu...

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Three Podcasts Friday - Three Branded Podcasts You Should Be Paying Attention To (10/25)


We've focused heavily on brands that are leveraging podcasts to grow brand awareness, create a loyal following and drive business with their expertise. This week, we've been asked about "personal brands" that are basically the face of their brands and businesses. For the sake of clarity, we are highlighting folks that have a service and/or product for their businesses and not social media influencers. Without further ado, these three should be in all business podcast playlists!

Tim Ferriss - The Tim Ferriss Show is the bellwether of all business podcasts with the name that is intimately tied to his business. He is an author, speaker, investor, and arguably, the "Oprah of audio." His podcast is so intrinsically tied to promotion of his books and investment discussions that he has parlayed into international fame.

Kent Lindstrom - Something Ventured with Kent Lindstrom - Kent is the COO of Nuzzel,  a Next-generation news monitoring and research tool for PR professionals, investors, res...

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Three Podcasts Friday - Three Branded Podcasts You Should Be Paying Attention To (10/18)


Let's hear about the Ladies! In honor of the historic all female spacewalk, we've curated some leading female podcasters, either representing corporate brands or their own personal branded business.

Jodi Flynn - Women Taking the Lead - Jodi is an executive coach, workshop leader and a community leader to drive women leadership. Her podcast caters to the type A personalities and guides women on common challenges as executives, professionals and parents.

Girl Boss - Girl Boss Radio Podcast - Founded for the professional millennial female, they curate content to help support and build the female community. Podcast host and Founder, Sophia Amoruso highlights and digs deeper into female entrepreneur successes and hard, but learned lessons.

Chic Media-  Rise Podcast - Rachel Hollis is a best selling author, founder of Chic Media and hugely popular blogger. She's managed to expand her empire to hosting live events and speaking engagements, and is an "unapologetic" motivational powerhouse.

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Three Podcasts Friday - Three Branded Podcasts You Should Be Paying Attention To (10/11)


Businesses are increasingly seeing the value of podcasting, if for anything, communicating with their client base. This week, Oracle, Momenta Partners and Business Insider demonstrate the types of content that generate a loyal audience as well as build a community. 

Oracle - The Oracle Groundbreakers podcast is definitely niched to the vocal and loyal developer crowd. This is not meant for every listener, as this is technical, but very valuable for fans of Oracle and modern software develpment. With over 300+ episodes, this is a well established, digestible podcast for developers.

Momenta Partners - Uncommon Perspectives - Takes a unique approach in that they have multiple podcast themes under their branded name. We've highlighted Uncommon Perspectives for their unique guests as they share pivotal experiences, lessons learned and critical insights into the impact of emerging technologies on business, society and humanity. 

Business Insider - This is Success - Business Insider is a b...

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Three Podcasts Friday - Three Branded Podcasts You Should Be Paying Attention To (10/04)


The amount of creativity and thought into business branded podcasts are limitless. This week, we're highlighting three very different industries, yet they all have appeal that goes much farther than "here is our product, now buy our stuff." In fact,  Adobe Systems, Fremantle, Penguin & BMG and Johnson & Johnson represent their brand well, with deeper insights on their respective subjects. Different production and styles, but all interesting and unique!

Adobe Systems - Wireframe - Adobe partnered with Gimlet to produce a show that focuses on user experience design and how they shape technology to fit in with our lives. It's an interesting premise to give an insider's look at how and why things as ubiquitous as sounds from our mobile devices, for example, are created, tested and processed. 

Fremantle, Penguin and BMG - This is Spoke podcast is aimed to attract and highlight the upcoming GenZ audience. From their site, they're focused on "youth culture brand made up of a collection of p...

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Three Podcasts Friday - Three Branded Podcasts You Should Be Paying Attention To (9/20)

Discovering new podcasts from major brands is always exciting, especially if there are multiple podcasts tailored to each business unit's respective audiences. This week, we're highlighting, IBM, Nintendo and Google.

GoogleGoogle Cloud Platform Podcast focuses on exactly what is in their title. This is a great podcast for the technical audience or technically savvy folks who want to go deeper than the cursory conversations on AI, Data Sciences and numerous complementary technology vendors.

IBMMaking Data Simple podcast highlights broader stories around discussing Big Data and AI. Most notably, Seth Dobrin has had guests range from IBM employees on their career stories to the state of analytics, particularly around marketing.

Nintendo - Nintendo Power Podcast  - What else would you want to learn and hear about Nintendo games but through the eyes of Nintendo! Their trio of hosts discuss the merits of games, gameplay, state of industry updates in an easy, lighthearted discussion....

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Three Podcasts Friday - Three Branded Podcasts You Should Be Paying Attention To (9/13)

Imagine this: You are running to catch a flight for business or personal purposes. As life happens, you are pressed for time, or traffic is jammed, or you are wrestling with keeping your family together. Either way, you are scrambling out of your car with baggage in tow, hoping that the TSA security lines are moving quickly. You rush to the gate and can only breathe a sigh of relief when you are seated in the plane. As you compose yourself, you realize that you left your reading material behind, or your batteries on your mobile devices are low and you forgot your charger. You could read the magazines in the back pocket in front of you, or you can listen to a podcast that your airline has provided as an additional in-flight entertainment option! This week, we're highlighting American Airlines, Emirates, and Qantas Airlines, who are providing their own unique take on podcasting and adding value to the traveling experience.


American AirlinesTell Me Why podcast started out as an int...

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