Three Podcasts Friday - Three Branded Podcasts You Should Be Paying Attention To (7/12)

Who wants to lead a life with minimal stress on money? Let's talk about finances and banking podcasts! We're highlighting Merrill Lynch, Bank of America and Morgan Stanley, with their insights for those interested in securing a financial future, discussions on future trends, especially around diversity and inclusion.

  • Merrill Lynch - The Merrill Lynch Perspectives podcast provides some great insight into the big stories and trends that effect our financial lives. Their emphasis on digging past headlines and helping the audience understand the impact for personal investments.
  • Bank of America - The Hearbeat of Main Street America - In collaboration with ForbesBooks Radio, Bank of America provides a unique perspective on bringing banking and finance to "middle america" in digestable and relatable topics and stories. The podcast provides the small business community with helpful small business ideas, insider tips and the industry knowledge.
  • Morgan Stanley - Access &...
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Three Podcasts Friday - Three Branded Podcasts You Should Be Paying Attention To (6/21)


It's Friday which means another three podcasts to feature, who are using this medium to highlight their companies, deepen their relationships, and start conversations around topics that matter most to their customers.

Three different businesses and three very different ways to use podcasting.

The Barney's Podcast -  The Barney's Podcast - There are a few things that we want to point out for this podcast. First, it's the perfect example of using podcasting to talk about your industry. Barney's highlights trailblazers, not just in the fashion industry, but those who are leading by utilizing creativity.

The second thing that Barneys does well is making a shift in the discussions when they see fit. Here's the deal on podcasting, many think that once you start a podcast the format is set in stone. However, you can switch when needed, and that's exactly what they did for Season 3. Instead of just fashion and creativity, they took on having conversations with...

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